Universität Tübingen, Wilhelm-Schickard Institut für Informatik
Dr. Jörg Hudelmaier
Universität Tübingen
Sand 13
D-72076 Tübingen
Tel.: +49-7071-29-77361
Fax: +49-7071-67540
email: joerg@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de(joerg@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de)
Improved decision procedures for the modal logics K, T, and S4
On the complexity of commutative and noncommutative linear logic
On a hierarchy of fragments of intuitionistic propositional logic
Complexity of logic programs with nested implications
A note on Kripkean countermodels for intuitionistically unprovable sequents
Bicomplete calculi for intuitionistic propositional logic